2022, 60th Anniversary of Peace Corps in Liberia

Celebrate with Us!

Peace Corps was first invited to serve in Liberia in 1962. Volunteers were evacuated three times – once in 1990 due to the civil war, again in 2014 due to the Ebola crisis, and, with PC volunteers worldwide, in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, more than 4,200 volunteers have served in Liberia. 

Peace Corps Volunteers are scheduled to return in 2023, but the superb Peace Corps staff and its country director, Ms. Vernice Guthrie, have been active during the time since the evacuation to both continue projects in health and education and prepare for the return of PCVs.

Friends of Liberia will celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Peace Corps in Liberia!

Planned activities and events include:


October 2022

Trip to Liberia!!

The team working on this reports that a group of 30-40 people have indicated serious interest in returning to Liberia to participate in events celebrating the 60th anniversary of the dynamic first Peace Corps Volunteers to arrive there.  Plans include official events in Monrovia, plus small group and individual trips in various parts of the country to participate in and monitor projects as well as visit Liberian friends.

PLEASE SEND ANY DIGITAL PHOTOS OR VIDEOS (with good resolution) THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO  BE CONSIDERED FOR AN EXHIBIT IN MONROVIA AND ONLINE BY JULY 30, 2022 to secretary@fol.org.  Please include details about when and where they were taken and please secure permission from identifiable persons or their guardians.   

FOL also welcomes additional messages from former Peace Corps Volunteers and Liberians who knew PCVs that might be included in an exhibit.  

Representatives from each decade of Peace Corps presence are being interviewed by video. Watch for details about when and how these will be shared. 

Stay tuned for updates!  If you would like to work on a planning committee or have questions, please contact us at secretary@fol.org.