My name is Maxwell Sines and I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia from 2010-2012 (LR1) as part of the first set of two-year volunteers after the 20-year absence due to the civil wars. Upon returning from Tappita, Nimba County to San Jose, California, I was able to receive my teaching credentials in physics and maths, in part due to my two-year service, and have taught in the Silicon Valley and Monterey Bay since. As the Third Goal and Liberian culture have infiltrated my childhood homes, I plan to seek a re-up in my global education and plan to Respond once the world opens up again. I am honored to hold the LR1’s reins and be the connector conduit for our group on the Friends of Liberia’s Board. Since our service ended, LR1 has had a voice on this board and we believe it necessary as the gap group. My role as Membership Chair is to ensure all voices and opinions have the platform to speak freely and safely and all Friends have the ability to listen freely and safely. It is also my obligation to encourage the recently returned volunteers to seek solace in the safety Friends of Liberia provides, as well as to constantly reassure and appreciate those who have been a part of this organization for over three decades, that we do and have made this world a better place.