Brenna Da-Tokpah

Education Co-Chair

Brenna served as a literacy specialist in Peace Corps Response Liberia from 2017 to 2019 after completing her Peace Corps service in the Dominican Republic from 2015 to 17. In her service in Liberia, Brenna worked in both Kakata and Paynesville with WE-CARE Foundation Inc. and African Dream Academy. After completing her service, she continued to consult with Liberian organizations like Restore Hope: Liberia and My Heart’s Appeal Inc.

Outside of serving as Friends of Liberia Education Co-Chair, Brenna is working on a Master’s in Education Policy at Arizona State University. Her research focuses on inclusive education policy internationally with a focus on students with disabilities. She also continues to work with students as a virtual learning specialist.

She believes that any success achieved in a person’s lifetime is best measured by those that follow. Saying that, she is deeply grateful for the relationships she has maintained with her former students and colleagues and their successes she has witnessed in the US, Ghana, Uganda, eSwatini, and Liberia.