Karlin Scudder



Karlin Scudder served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia from 2018 to 2020. While in Liberia, she held three different roles in three different sites! She began as a Junior High Math & Science Teacher in Pleebo, Maryland County. Due to a new motorbike travel restriction, she moved to Salala, Bong County a year later and transitioned to co-teaching literacy. When Peace Corps Liberia downsized the post due to the economic crisis the country was facing, Karlin took on the role of Literacy Coordinator and moved to Paynesville, Montserrado. Through her various transitions, she was a consistent member of the Malaria Committee and supported a local, Peace Corps-founded NGO called Bosh Bosh.
Karlin is from the Eastern Shore of Maryland and holds a B.A. in Biology from Coe College in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. In the future, she’d like to pursue a Master’s Degree in International Educational Development and continue her work serving Liberia.