Mike Arden
Mike Arden was a Peace Corps volunteer in Liberia during 1984-85. Mike served as an English teacher at River Cess High School in 1984 and at Bomi Hills High School in 1985. He also served as community librarian at both locations. After Peace Corps, Mike worked as a librarian both stateside and overseas in the Philippines, Japan, Turkey, Germany and Okinawa as a DoD Civilian for the Air Force and the Army. Mike lives in Orange, CA and in his spare time he and his wife May are active in their parish church where they distribute food to the poor. Mike enjoys reading about history and geography, listening to virtually all genres of music, and daydreaming about future global adventures. May and Mike welcomed their first grandchild Solomon into the world in 2024 and take frequent road trips to Berkeley to visit him and their daughters and son-in-law. If you have any questions or suggestions about FOLĀ“s membership committee, feel free to reach out to Mike at marden@fol.org.