Victoria Zawitkowski

Victoria Zawitkowski


Victoria Zawitkowski served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Liberia from 2016-2019. While in Liberia, Victoria taught 10th and 11th grade Math and English, and served as a member of Peace Corps Liberia’s Gender Committee. Victoria extended for a third year into the role of Volunteer Leader, where she focused on providing volunteer and trainee support, as well as working closely with staff to implement workshops and various trainings across the country.

Victoria also served as Media Coordinator and was responsible for showcasing life in Liberia and the Volunteers’ work, across all social media platforms. She also created videos for training purposes and educated incoming Volunteers on engaging with social media during their service.

Victoria is from Northern Virginia and holds a B.S. in Journalism from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Her next goal is a dual Master’s Degree in Social Work and Public Health.