Sally Zelonis


Sally was a Peace Corps volunteer in Karnplay, Liberia from 1971 to 1972 where she taught elementary school. Upon returning home, Sally married her husband Mark, a tree crops technician in the Peace Corps in Karnplay from 1971 to 1972, and continued teaching in the States for more than ten years.
Sally holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education and social work from Elmira College and a master’s degree in early childhood education from Boston College. After teaching, Sally entered municipal government work in Rhode Island that involved both grant writing and grant administration. This career led to new career in fund raising first in the mental health field, then arts administration, public broadcasting and finally animal conservation.
Sally retired in 2017 after more than twenty-five years in non-profit fundraising. Sally and her husband live in Zionsville, Indiana, and maintain strong ties to Liberia. In 1990 they sponsored Sally’s former sixth grade student to flee Liberia. He joined them in Rhode Island where he continues to live and work today. Since retiring, Sally enjoys volunteering at the Indianapolis Zoo helping with animal care, naturalist’s duties and special events. She recently became treasurer of the Zionsville Farmer’s Market.