FOL related events from the past

ICYMI: FOL Receives NPCA Award & Liberia RPCVs Attend PC Connect

Friends of Liberia was honored to receive the Loret Miller Ruppe Award for Outstanding Community Service from the National Peace Corps Association at their Peace Corps Connect Conference in Washington, DC in September. Check out some [...]

ICYMI: FOL Receives NPCA Award & Liberia RPCVs Attend PC Connect2019-04-03T21:03:58-04:00

Mentor Returning Peace Corps Volunteers

The first group of post-war Peace Corps Volunteers has left Liberia to return to the States. This has not happened for several years. In order to offer them assistance settling in back home, FOL is [...]

Mentor Returning Peace Corps Volunteers2017-01-15T20:04:03-05:00
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