Friends of Liberia has given a small grant to Liberia Education Project (LEP) as part of their Ebola relief effort.

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Below is a report from LEP

The Fight against Ebola Awareness Campaign Phase Two A

Date: October 6, 2014

buckets-100Ebola is a virus that has claimed the lives of many Liberians in every aspect of our society. Everything has come to a standstill in Liberia, but our Government is trying to combat this virus along with the International Community; and Organizations such as the Liberia Education Project (LEP) is of no exception, especially in the rural parts of Liberia.

This report covers the major activities during the four days LEP- Ebola Awareness Campaign Phase Two (A) in Kokoyah District, Bong County and the Michael Petty School,(Massaquoi) Peter’ Town, outside Monrovia.

Materials as Preventive Measures Distributed:
1. 75 pcs of buckets,
2. 80 gallons of Clorox,
3. 11 cartons of klin tie soap,
4. One big banner for Ghenwein Mission,
5. 75 pcs of stickers for buckets labels.

Note: Massaquoi banner to be printed in the next phase
The campaign was very rewarding.

Ghenwein Mission Ebola Awareness Campaign (Kokoyah District, Bong County

As a continuation of LEP work towards the Ebola situation, the Team departed Monrovia on October 1, 2014 at about 10:45: am, for the distribution of preventive materials in the Kokoyah District of Bong County. Items sent to Kokoyah include, 50 buckets; 55 gallons of clorox; 9 cartons of tie soap. All 75 buckets were labeled with all 75 stickers.

This awareness brought together about 50 persons including the City Major, District Education Officer (DEO), other Government Officials, young people, young adults, children and adults. After the awareness, the Team presented the Preventive Materials to the people of Botota.
This was highly appreciated by the people of Botota Town. More gratitude from them to the supporters of LEP.

Other Towns and Villages served:

Wesseh Town Distribution: (About 22 people present)
Thomas’ Town (About 10 persons present)
Daywhea’ Town (About 32 persons present including children)
Botota Town
Beayou Town (about 12 people present)
Kparyou Town: (about 150 including children)
Bogboun Town (about 50 including children)p5-Edit

The exercise was very challenging and rewarding in that LEP, being a small organization is being recognized by leaders and people in communities, towns and villages in rural Liberia. The people we met appreciate the little we have to share with them. They accepted it as if LEP had given them the whole world. Words of gratitude were expressed by Town chiefs, and elders of the Towns and villages the Team distributed the items to.

They informed us that LEP is the only organization that has focused on them in expanding the Ebola Awareness and Prevention Campaign in the rural areas.

We have noticed over the period of time that there are more needs for supplies in other villages, instead of the LEP focus areas. People continue to ask us for assistance in terms of supplies.

Let_pictures_pg2-4-EditGhenwein Teachers are serving as monitors to the Towns and Villages for proper usage of the Hand Washing Station materials.

The balance of materials were left with our teachers to serve the following towns: Gayeadeg Town, Gargar Town, Dorbor Town and Zeo Town.


As part of fighting this deadly disease, the LEP Team moved in the town of Massaquoi, a few miles away from Monrovia with the following items: 25 buckets; 25 gallons of clorox and tie soap to supply the following towns:
Massaquoi Town;
Peter Town;
Gobah Town;
Torgbah Town;
Meahmeh Town;
Kumbaship Town.


Let pictures pg4-6-EditWe recommend that the following be considered if LEP will have to continue this exercise:

• That LEP gets more supplies to other villages and towns in Grand Bassa County, Bong County, Margibi County and Bomi County.
• That LEP buys some local copy books for our students in various town and villages to give home assignments while they are on the Ebola break.
• That LEP be thinking in the direction of taking care of Children (Orphans) who parents have died from Ebola virus in Liberia.
• That LEP have her own computer for reporting purpose. I am facing serious problem for computer. Please help.
Respectfully Submitted:

Mrs. Seelu G. Madehdou

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