Did you ever want to publish your story or poem? Here’s your chance. To honor Peace Corps Liberia’s 60th Anniversary in 2022, FOL has several initiatives planned, including a published anthology of brief, true Liberian stories. We will compile these personal accounts from Liberians, Peace Corps volunteers who served in Liberia, and members of FOL who have played a variety of roles with/in Liberia.

Anthology Goal:

This anthology of Liberian stories will not only safeguard our memories but may also be shared so that we may promote and preserve our commitment to uphold Peace Corps’ global values and impact, both abroad and in the United States.

Susan Greisen (RPCV Liberia, 1971-73 and Tonga 73-74) will lead this project and will hold several two-part writing workshops. In these FREE virtual workshops you will learn ways to craft your story for the greatest impact. The word count is limited to 1000 words or less, may be essay or poetry, and must have a takeaway message for your target audience. Submissions will be selected by an FOL team.

The first two options for these workshops are:

  • Saturday, December 5th, 4PM PST/7PM EST (1.5 hours) and Saturday, December 19th 4PM PST 7PM EST (2 hours)

  • Saturday, January 9th, 4PM PST/7PM EST (1.5 hours) and Saturday, January 23rd, 4PM PST 7PM EST (2 hours)

Other workshops will be scheduled. Each class is limited to 10 people, so register early. Send your date selection to Susan Greisen folsusangreisen@gmail.com. Once registered, each person will receive Zoom information and course content.

Others who have written stories that fit the criteria above may submit them directly to Susan for consideration by the team. Feel free to contact Susan at the email above with any questions.