Simple ways to help FOL meet its $100,000 Ebola fund target![hr]

Friends of Liberia raises $65,000 for Ebola-affected communities

 The FOL Board of Directors has just allocated $15,000 more to the Ebola Relief Fund. This brings the total raised to $65,000.

Since the beginning of the Ebola crisis, Friends of Liberia (FOL) has sent $50,000 to organizations working in Liberia. The crisis is far from over. With a goal of $100,000, FOL members around the country, many of them Liberian Americans, are holding fundraisers and seeking other types of funding to help those in communities throughout Liberia affected by the virus. <more>

FOL Support Project:

Women’s Campaign International

Medical Staff in Protective Gear

Medical Staff in Protective Gear

In July 2014, the Women’s Campaign International (WCI) developed a Facilitator’s Guide to Ebola Response to support community action groups to organize and address their community responses to the Ebola virus. This includes the official information developed and distributed by the WHO and Government of Liberia.The community groups identified:<more>


New Orleans Benefit

New Orleans Benefit raises money for Friends of Liberia Ebola campaign

 Update to New Orleans Benefit

Friends of Liberia’s benefit in New Orleans on Sept. 19 at The Columns Hotel on St. Charles Ave. initially netted $5,500. Thanks to the persistent efforts of Dr. Meda Colvin (RPCV Liberia), in her outreach to the New Orleans medical community, the checks kept coming in until the total is now more than $9,000.

She tells us that this is only the beginning. A big name local talent has offered to do a special concert in the city in the next couple of months. Stay tuned for that.

FOL support reaches $50,000

Friends of Liberia board, meeting in New Orleans Sept. 20, voted an additional $14,000 to bring the total contributed for Ebola relief to $50,000, halfway to our goal.

An initial $20,000 from the general fund was divided equally in August between Doctors Without Borders and Global Health Ministries. <more>

 FOL-funded shipment arrives in Liberia

FOL aids efforts to help Liberians on the front lines of the Ebola epidemic

If you wish to make a personal donation to FOL for the serious health crisis in Liberia, please send a check to:

FOL Treasurer, Jim Bowman
324 Amherst Dr. SE
Albuquerque NM 87106

All future donations designated for the Ebola epidemic will be sent to organizations that are directly involved with the disease outbreak in Liberia.

Volunteers Wanted


FOL Board News

Liberia’s Ambassador to the United States of America (USA), His Excellency Jeremiah C. Sulunteh and his wife, meet with, FOL Board Members at a reception following the presentation of the Ambassdor’s credentials to President Obama. Read more

FOL Mentoring Program
The first group of post-war Peace Corps Volunteers has left Liberia to return to the States.  In order to offer them assistance settling in back home, FOL is instituting a Mentor Program. Read More

Strategic Planning Report – final

Final version of the FOL strategic plan adopted by the Board at its March 9 meeting. Read the new report

FOL Survey Results

A survey was recently taken by Friends of Liberia (FOL) to determine the path of the organization for the next several years. The results can be seen here. FOL Survey Results[/one_fourth_last]